Neuromorphic Magnonics Workshop
Maria Cocconcelli (Politecnico di Milano) participated in the Neuromorphic Magnonics Workshop taking place in Paris from 24th to 26th of April. She presented the general concept of M&MEMS and the first experimental validation of the monolithic approach and discussed the project’s ideas in the context of emerging magnonic approaches for neuromorphic computing applications.
Third on-site meeting in Leuven
Members of the M&MEMS project met at imec in Leuven (Belgium) from 10th to 11th of January. In these two days, the M&MEMS consortium had a very productive meeting, discussing the advances in the design and production of novel magnonic-MEMS hybrid prototypes for RF communication and data processing. The event concluded with a tour through the impressive imec clean room facilities!
New publication
Secondary Excitation of Spin-Waves: How Electromagnetic Cross-Talk Impacts on Magnonic Devices
This work examines the impact of electromagnetic crosstalk in magnonic devices when using inductive spin wave (SW) transducers. We present detailed electrical SW spectroscopy measurements showing the signal contributions to be considered in magnonic device design. We further provide a rule-of-thumb estimation for the crosstalk responsible for the secondary SW excitation at the output transducer. Simulations and calibrated electrical characterizations underpin this method. Additionally, we visualize the secondary SW excitation via time-resolved MOKE imaging in the forward-volume configuration in a 100nm Yttrium-Iron-Garnet (YIG) system.

Fabrication of MEMS devices
On April 28th we report to the EU the achievement of the first milestone, namely the fabrication of MEMS actuators. The MEMS have been fabricated at the Politecnico di Milano and provide an in-plane displacement up to 6µm. This markes the first step towards the integration of MEMS actuators in magnonic devices.

Second on-site meeting in Milan
Members of the M&MEMS project met in the Aula Magna of the Politecnico di Milano (Italy) from 6 to 7 June. We discussed the current status of the project and planned the next steps for the upcoming months. A wonderful social dinner at the Navigli (see photo) rounded off the event.

Press release
TV report for Italia1
A video on the implementation of the Project M&MEMS at Politecnico di Milano has been recorded and transmitted on the TV channel Italia1, on 31 January 2023. In this video Prof. Bertacco describes for a wide audience the idea of magnonic devices for RF applications. The video is part of a program “Mag di Studio Aperto Generazione Europa” by TGCOM24, realized in the framework of partnership with the European Commission to disseminate the results of the projects Next Generation EU.
The full video can be found on the TGCOM24 website:—next-generazione-europa-_60571432-02k.shtml
New Publication
Impact of Spin-Wave Dispersion on Surface-Acoustic-Wave Velocity
The dependence of the velocity of surface acoustic waves (SAWs) as a function of an external applied magnetic field is investigated in a Fe thin film epitaxially grown on a piezoelectric GaAs substrate. The SAW velocity is observed to strongly depend on both the amplitude and direction of the magnetic field. To interpret the experimental data a phenomenological approach to the relative change in SAW velocity is implemented. We find that the experimental velocity variation can be well reproduced provided that the spin-wave dispersion is taken into account. The validity of this phenomenological model is attested by the comparison with a fully magnetoelastic one. Nonreciprocity of SAW velocity is also addressed both experimentally and theoretically.

Kick off meeting
On November 14th & 15th 2022 the kick off meeting of M&MEMS took place in Kaiserslautern. Scientists from all consortium partners came together to discuss the first steps of the project and to get to know each other better.